30 June 2002 -- Eric Thomson

My objection to the Lawn Culture was right out of Veblen, before I'd ever heard of him & his "The Theory of the Leisure Class". What I resented was the imposition on my time, labor & money, to achieve a result which was of no value to me. I have always preferred to live in an apartment building near a park, rather than pay to tend a dinky bit of lawn. The insanity of the Lawn Culture was quite obvious in Southern California, with its water shortages. My parents' water bill was almost double that of their electric bill. Why pay to run upon a treadmill to oblivion? I think the entire matter of lawns will have to be examined thoroughly, in regard to the problems of environmental pollution caused by all the fertilizers and pesticides entering the water table via the lawns which require such noxious substances. Agribusiness generates the same pollution, but we receive food in return. Not so with lawns. Of course, the Lawn Culture was merely one among many middleclass compulsion neuroses. "Keeping up with the Joneses" was a disgusting tradition in regard to status symbols and consumption. If one were 'truly integrated' in middleclass suburbia, one's leisure was also regimented. We did not have soccer moms, but we had baseball dads. Another oppressive characteristic of that existence was the deadly dull people one was expected to spend time with. It was bad at work, and I had no energy left over to put up with such tedious company in my free time. It's not a holocaust if one can escape in time. That's what I did, and I have pretty much enjoyed myself thereby. Yes, I was a misfit in Judeo-American bourgeois society, as my father, grandfathers and great grandfathers would have been. I would not say that the Thomsons are anti-social, but we were are individualists who know what we dislike!

As I mentioned before 9-11, you would be best off avoiding ZOG-service. Every White man should let the ZOG self-destruct and watch for opportunities which benefit him and his people. Watchful waiting and creative dodging are the order of the day. Yes, the WASP is our first & foremost enemy, as individuals and as Whites. By serving the jew, the WASP becomes the jew.

As far as I can recall, Lettow-Vorbeck was commander of the German colonial army of German East Africa. This army was mainly composed of Black askaris (Swahili for soldiers) with White officers, plus some German sailors from the abandoned cruiser, who operated its guns as field artillerymen. Noske was not accorded such rank, but he led the Freikorps because he was popularly chosen. This was a German military tradition which had arisen in the trenches of World War I. German field units would choose their combat commanders at the front. Usually, the men wanted a competent and courageous leader who would fight to win and stay alive.

The dearth of guerrilla fighters in the Union forces is easily explained: They never lacked for numbers and supplies. When they did go behind Confederate lines, they did so massively and destructively, as Sherman with his march to the sea. Guerrilla warfare is the province of the weak, not the strong. The guerrilla warrior avoids battle, when possible, and, like "the fish in the sea", he relies upon the civilians for supplies and intelligence. A mobile military force is not the same as a guerrilla force, since it is usually supplied
by air, rather than local civilians. In Malaya and Rhodesia, the British tactics were to pursue guerrilla fighters with small, mobile army units, supplied and reinforced by air. The guerrillas had to carry their own supplies on their backs and when they needed food or water, they had to take their chances or do without, while being chased day & night by fresh 'sticks' of soldiers. The guerrilla tactic was to set up ambushes to slow down the pursuit, but there was little respite, for the regular forces had trackers and aerial recon.
When I was in Rhodesia, horses and mules were introduced for moving men and defeating mines
and booby traps. Mounted cavalry had the further advantages of speed, stealth and the ability to live off the land. On the veldt, one could hear the motor of a Landrover for many miles, so all surprise was lost whenever motor vehicles were used. Things were not that much different from the combat conditions depicted in the Australian film, "Breaker Morant".

I really don't know how desperate the ZOG will get for bodies, but I hardly think they'd call me up. In Rhodesia, I was content to lie doggo and let Smith's sellout take its course, but when they wanted me in the line of fire, my services came at the price of having an openly Nazi Party in Salisbury and Bulawayo. No, my services do not come cheap, even if I offer them for 'free'.

I see it's getting light out. I must go into my box until dusk. Ha! These daily graveyard shifts do make one feel a 'virtual' kinship with Dracula. Well, as jews say, "It's a livink!" And we know that "if it comes from a jew, it must be true." DOWZ!