Part V - Catholicism - Greek Orthodox

Comparative Religions - Part V - CATHOLICISM - Greek Orthodox a/k/a The Eastern Orthodox Church

Last month we reviewed the beginnings of the mighty Roman Catholic Church, and how it has held a majority of the White Race in bondage for  nearly two thousand years.

By the year 451 C. E. the territory of the Empire was divided into five historic patriarchates of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and  Jerusalem. When the Council of Chalcedon met in that same year (451 C. E.) it also marked not only the culmination of a long period of theological controversies, but it also was the starting point at which Constantinople began to emerge as the sole Eastern Orthodox patriarchate within the eastern half of the Empire, and consequently a powerful rival of Rome.

Rome, as we all are aware, was by this time rapidly disintegrating as an Empire, and the virulent effect of the new (Jew instigated) Christian  religion was a major cause in the collapse that was in the making. By virtue of its pacifist teachings it had managed to turn the once formidable warriors of Ancient Rome into peace loving wimps, chasing phantom spooks supposedly floating around (somewhere) in the sky.

The rift that was developing between East and West was partly due to political rivalries, but mostly due to theological differences. At the above  mentioned Council the Chalcedonian formula defining Jesus Christ as possessing two natures, human and divine in one person, proved unacceptable to several non-Greek peoples The Egyptians (who were followed by the Nubians and Ethiopians), the Syrians (of both Syria and Palestine), and the Armenians.

The Egyptian revolt took the form of monophysitism, the doctrine that Jesus Christ possessed only one nature, the divine.

The Syrian rejection took the form of Nestorianism, of the Antiochene school of thought. The Nestorians held a tidbit of difference in their view.  They held that whereas Christ was both human and divine in perfect harmony, this divinity however did not extend to the Virgin Mary.

The Armenians, who at this time were hard pressed in defense of their territory against the Persians, preferred to retain the theological  formulas current prior to Chalcedon, whatever they were Thus these Eastern territories, embroiled in nitpicking religious controversies that went on for centuries, were easy prey for the fanatic Arab Moslem armies in the seventh century and were soon converted to Mohammedanism by force of the sword. As a result, of the Eastern patriarchates, only Constantinople remained within the Empire.

The rivalry between Rome and Constantinople really began in 325 C. E. when Emperor Constantine founded that stellar city as the site of his new capital.

In the meantime, as Rome decayed and was finally overrun by the barbarians, Constantinople not only held its own but prospered and gained in strength. With it, the rift grew larger until it finally culminated in the Great Schism of 1054 C. E. The two not only became two distinctly separate empires, but two separate religious entities, each with their own popes and their own organizational structure. The two were now widely separated politically, culturally, ecclesiastically, as well as religiously, with the head of the Eastern Church now centered in Constantinople. But the conflict of religious claims of doctrine and authority continued on for centuries.

After the Great Schism, Roman Catholic Europe began to gain in strength, while the Eastern (Byzantine) Empire began to disintegrate into a racial and religious collection of many diverse and polyglot eastern factions. By the time of the Ottoman Invasion of the Turks in 1453 it fell like an overripe tomato. Constantinople became the prime jewel of the Turkish Moslems and has remained so ever since.

The fall of Constantinople in 1 453 was one of the major turning points in history, and a major setback for the White Race. When the victorious  21 year old Ottoman Sultan, Mehmet II rode his horse up the steps of the Hagia Sophia, the largest and most prestigious cathedral in all Christendom, the victory over the Christians was complete. This Mehmet II did with a flourish on May 29, 1453, and Christian Constantinople was no more. It was now Islamic Istanbul.

Although the Byzantine Empire was now destroyed and Constantinople became head of the Ottoman Empire, the Byzantine Church not only survived the catastrophe but enlarged Its powers. It became the head, the "ethnark" of all the Greeks within the Turkish Empire, since the non-Moslems could not be subjected to legislation deriving from the Koran. As a result, the Christians were formed in to separate communities (apartheid in practice) and the patriarch became their political as well as religious ruler.

As time went by, through sordid and utterly unscrupulous corruption, the patriarch collaborated with the Turkish rulers to exploit and degrade the Christian communities now under his control. Not only did it abuse its authority within its own patriarchate of Constantinople, but it soon  gained control of three other patriarchates now under Moslem rule Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. It further extended its power over the Serbian patriarchate of Pec, the Bulgaria patriarchate of Ohrid, of Athens, and the Romanian metropolitanate of Moldavia-Wallachia.

Russia was converted to Christianity under Byzantine auspices in 987 C. E. and subordinate to the patriarchate of Constantinople, During the next several centuries the Russian church was governed by Greek Hierarchs. However, in 1448, the Russian Grand Duke Vasily rid himself of the last Greek metropolitan, Isidore, and ordered the Russian episcopate to choose a native metropolitan from their own ranks. Thus Russia finally became independent from Constantinople.

Thereafter Russian ecclesiastical as well as political self-consciousness grew rapidly. Grand Prince John III assumed the title of Tsar, claiming  to be the heir of the Byzantine Emperors before the Turkish take-over, and the Russian church now assumed the leadership of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

By the middle of the seventeenth century the Russian church rose to such power and prominence that the country was virtually ruled by a diarchy, in which the church and the political government were on a par in the power they wielded.

By 1721, under Tsar Peter the Great, the patriarchate was abolished. He created in its place the Holy Governing Synod and the church henceforth was subjected to the governorship of the state. The effect of the First World War was disastrous for the Russian church. In 1917, during the short term the Provisional Government held sway, the church held a council. It abolished the Synod and restored the ancient patriarchal administration. But when the Bolsheviks took over in the October Revolution, they soon enforced the Marxist world view on the church. It dispossessed the church of all its properties (as well as the rest of the population) separated the schools from the church, and prohibited by law any religious instruction to persons under 18 years of age.  By 1929, under Stalin, and the first Five Year plan, a policy of persecution was inaugurated, and the Constitution was amended to provide "liberty of worship and anti-religious propaganda", but in effect the communist propaganda was the main consequence. By 1 935, the government asserted that, for all intents and purposes, the Russian church had been effectively liquidated and replaced by Communist orthodoxy.

In 1939, the Communist government, under fear of the threat to its survival from Nazi Germany, reversed its policy. It discounted its anti- religious propaganda and granted relative religious freedom and there was a partial resurgence of church support. This was again reversed when the war against Germany had been won, and the church again faded into insignificance.

Today the picture is cloudy as to what are remnants of the church and what is a communist facade. But for all practical purposes the church,what is left of it, is a tool of the Communist government. Today the Eastern Orthodox Church in Russia to dead, and one Jewish mind crippler, Christianity, has been replaced by another ironclad Jewish tyranny, namely Jewish communism. (Read again, "Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins", Page 380, Nature's Eternal Religion.)


Romanian. The largest of the non-Greek Balkan Orthodox churches after World War I was the Romanian, which professed a membership of 13 million.

Serbian. After World War I the Serbian Church underwent a sudden aggrandizement with the political union of the Serbian and Croatian  peoples in Yugoslavia, and the six Serbian ecclesiastical territories were unified. But the unification soon brought about a bitter rivalry between  the Orthodox Serbs and the Roman Catholic Croatians and Slovenes.

After World War II when Communist dictator Marshal Tito took over, both the Greek Orthodox and the Roman Catholics suffered the same fate as the Russian church under Stalin. The church properties were confiscated by the state and it was completely subordinated under the communist regime. Whereas a token of "religious freedom" was proclaimed for propaganda purposes, the church regime and communist dictatorship became one and the same, and for all practical purposes, indistinguishable.

Bulgaria. A similar situation exists under the communist regime in Bulgaria.

Others: There are smaller Orthodox bodies in Albania, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. Since all these are now under the heel  of Jewish communism, these, too, are a shadowy facade of the original Orthodox and more a manipulative tool of the communist tyranny.

The New York Times claims a total of 76,444,600 Greek Orthodox Catholics in the world today, of which 51,500 reside in the United States.  Considering the fact that most of these are in communist-dominated countries, the validity of these figures is highly questionable, as are the  loyalties of its supposed members.

Greek Orthodoxy vs. Creativity - A Comparison

A. Basis of Belief.

Greek Orthodoxy is based on its Roman Catholic origins, which, in turn, are based on a polyglot collection of myths, legends and other ancient  religions that preceded it.

Besides having its origins from (and incorporating) the Jewish Old Testament, the New Testament is largely a re-hash of the suicidal teachings of the Essenes. This was a minor Jewish cult outside the Jewish mainstream that existed in Quram, on the shores of the Dead Sea. It propounded such self-destructive ideas as love your enemies, sell all thou hast and give it to the scum, and a host of other idiotic teachings that were supposedly taught by Jesus Christ. However, the Dead Sea Scrolls and other historic evidence indicate that the Christian church plagiarized all these teachings from the Essenes, a Jewish cult that existed between 100 B.C.E. to 100 C.E., then died out.

CREATIVITY, in contrast, is based on the realities of the universe in which we find ourselves. By using logic and common sense, and trying to learn from the mistakes of mankind in past history. Creativity is trying to solve the multitude of problems that now beset the White Race, and the world as a whole. Creativity rejects the silly superstitions and premises that we are at the mercy of a passel of unseen spooks and spirits floating around and controlling our destiny here on earth, and especially in a supposed "next" world, an idiotic fantasy so fondly embraced by the Roman Catholic church, the Greek Orthodox church, and the thousands of other Christian cults and offshoots.

B. Goals and Objectives.

Since the Greek Orthodox churches are (unlike the Roman church) so fragmented in their control and organization, it is hard to find any central objective that all the different churches cling to, other than perhaps to intrude upon, and control the lives of their superstitious victims, and establish a power base for the polyglot mass of their hierarchies. A side issue perhaps might be claimed that they are trying to save the souls of their supporters from going to hell, but if the church had never invented this lame-brained idea in the first place, their gullible victims need never have worried about saving themselves from this fictitious monster in the first place.

CREATIVITY, on the other hand, does not engage in playing the silly spooks-in-the-sky game. Instead it focuses on the real problems of the world and seeks to organize and build a better world for the White Race.

C. Some proclaimed differences between the Roman Catholic and the Greek Orthodox churches.

1 . The Roman Catholic church holds that the holy spirit proceeds "and from the Son" (a doctrine known as the "filioque" clause), as well as from the Father. Eastern Orthodoxy believes that the holy spirit proceeds only "from the Father." (Big Deal.)

2. Roman Catholicism affirms the existence of a purgatory, in addition to a heaven and a hell. Eastern Orthodoxy does not accept the idea of a purgatory, though it does believe in an intermediate state between heaven and hell where souls experience a foretaste of the bliss or the punishment that will eventually be theirs. (Big Deal.)

3. The Roman Catholic church believes in the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin, a doctrine that Eastern Orthodoxy does not accept. Eastern Orthodoxy holds that only Christ was conceived and born without original sin, that the Virgin Mary was cleansed of it on Annunciation Day. (Big Deal.)

4. The Roman Catholic dogma that the body of the Virgin Mary "was taken up into heaven" (declared by Pope Pius XII) is not subscribed to by Eastern Orthodoxy, which does not believe in such a physical assumption. (Big Deal.)

5. Eastern Orthodoxy does not recognize the saints canonized by the Catholic church after the schism of 1 054, unless these saints have also been proclaimed by Eastern Orthodox synods. (Big Deal.)

D. Racial Attitude.

Greek Orthodoxy is completely devoid of any loyalty to the White Race and, in fact, is hostile to it. Like the Roman Church of its origin, it is now completely engrossed in the Jewish program of race-mixing, and encompasses many of the baser elements of our race.

CREATIVITY, on the other hand, is dedicated to the best interests of the White Race and the White Race, alone. It has pledged its total loyalty  to the White Race and the building of a Whiter and Brighter World.

E. Organizational Structure.

Unlike the Roman Church, the Greek Orthodox Church does not have one central pope and authority. While originally trying to emulate the monolithic structure of the Roman Catholic Church, it is now a hodge-podge of different authorities. Since much of its original structure is now behind the Iron Curtain, Communist commissars control most of its present organizational hierarchy.

CREATIVITY is based on the Leadership Principle and seeks to purge the world of Communism and Jewish control, completely and forever.

Book I - Comparative Religions

Part V - Catholicism - Greek Orthodox

Chapter 8